Infographic: The Incredible Benefits of Curcumin

curcumin benefits

Curcumin, one of the most important active ingredients present in turmeric and turmeric powder is well known of its widespread health benefits. It is a natural anti-inflammatory compound that helps reduce chronic low-level inflammation and relieve joint pains related to arthritis and gout. It is also an amazing antioxidant that fights free radicals and oxidative stress and dramatically reduces the risk of various types of cancer therefore, curcumin and cancer is often discusses together.

Curcumin boosts the level of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor that determines the multiplication of neurons in certain areas of the brain. By doing so, it reduces the risk of various brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia and slows down age-related decline in brain functions. Curcumin benefits are not limited to brain only; it also helps in improving heart health and reducing the risk of heart diseases by improving endothelium function – the blood vessels linings.

Although, turmeric can be consumed to utilize the benefits of curcumin, but it is found in very less quantities in turmeric (only 3%) and is not effectively absorbed in the body all by itself. Therefore, it is best to opt for natural curcumin supplements in the form of capsules and INLIFE’s Curcumin Capsule is one of the safest options in this case because it is a 100% natural product free of Gluten, Heavy Metals, Lactose, Soy, Starch, Dairy, Peanuts and Tree nuts. Enjoy the health benefits of Curcumin with INLIFE’s Curcumin Capsules with each capsule containing 500mg Curcumin extract.



2 thoughts on “Infographic: The Incredible Benefits of Curcumin

  1. Mukta Agrawal says:

    You are very correct meera and i am glad that the awareness to ayurvedic products are increasing and thanks so much for your feedback

  2. is meera says:

    Nice presentation, Mukta. One can also add that effective ness of Curcumin absorbtion is increased 95 % by adding pepperine as additive (5%). Also turmeric gets better absorbed by dissolving in fat Or Oil. and better still with slight increase in temperature !!!
    I have bought Inlife Curcumin capsules and take it regularly and I can say that it really made a difference in my quick recovery from recent bout of cold and sore throat.

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