Choice of Snacking

Healthy snacks for kids Kids love to eat fast foods. As a mother you simply cannot let them eat those because you know how harmful they are. But if you stop them from indulging in fast foods at least once or twice a week, they will sneak out and eat all those foods behind your back. And then you will be able to do nothing. It is important that you keep a track of what your child eats but at the same time you need to inculcate good eating habits. Healthy food does not mean that it has to be bland, tasteless or boiled. Healthy food can be tasty as well. It is up to you to that teach them the difference, do not worry I will help you with the same below.

How to choose a healthy snack?

Healthy snacks When you are selecting healthy snacks, the first thing that you need to consider is your kid’s preference. Are you sure that he will eat those items? Generally kids are a bit picky about healthy foods and by now you must have found out the tricks by which you tempt them to eat it. However, opt for those items that your kid will like to eat and you won’t have to literally force him to eat. Hence, opt for fresh fruits that he likes, cereals for his breakfast and low fat muffins as evening snack.

What are the side effects of junk foods?

  • Energy and Focus: As per Women’s and Children’s Health Network, eating habits affects one’s studying habits. Junk foods and food items with high sugar content lower the energy level thereby affecting one’s concentration.
  • Obesity Risk: As per a report published in “Pediatrics” kids who eat junk food tend to be obese. Junk food means higher amount of calories, carbohydrates and fat, which increases body weight manifold.
  • Chronic Illness: There is an increase rate of high BP, diabetes and stroke amongst kids who eat fast foods on a regular basis.
  • Self-Esteem and Depression: If you are obese, other kids are going to make fun of you. As such it affects the kid’s self esteem and leads to depression.

Give them healthy options like what to choose instead of what?

There are so many mouthwatering yet healthy snacks that you can pack as part of your kid’s school lunch Fresh snacks
  • Fresh fruit – pack fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, grapes, banana that you know your kid will eat
  • Crunchies – if you scourge the supermarket you will come across dried vegetables that come in various flavors. BBQ veggie, buttery sweet corn is the popular ones.
  • Muffins – give your kid homemade muffins and opt for fruit flavored ones like banana muffin, zuchchini muffin and so on.
  • Organicasaurus Cheese Puffs – they are organic and taste great too. Good way to give him a surprise lunch that he is simply going to love.
  • Homemade Fruit Snacks – take some fresh fruits and slice them up and serve with homemade yoghurt. Simple, yet delicious.
  • Dried cranberries or raisins – you can purchase them from any supermarket.
  • Hummus served with different vegetables.
  • Roasted Chickpeas: high on protein, it is quite delicious too. You kid is sure to like them.
  • Veggie Chips – Kale Chips, Sweet Potato Chips, Tomato Chips, – there are so many different varieties to take your pick from.
  • Brown rice instead of white rice
  • Sweet potatoes for white potatoes
  • Canadian bacon for bacon
  • Mashed potatoes made with reduced fat milk for french fries
  • Fig bars for high-fat cookies
Snacks to eat
  • Tube yogurt (freeze first for easier handling) for ice cream
  • Reduced-fat cheddar for regular cheese.
  • Steam idli instead of fried vada pav.
  • Well cooked vegetables and low-fat dip
  • Whole grain crackers and cheese
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Milk
  • Chopped hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs
  • Dry cereal; cereal with milk
  • Low-fat microwave popcorn
So all above are the choices of food, which you can give to your child, and they would love to eat. I am sure all the above things will help you to make your child healthy and fit.

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